Friday, April 13, 2007

Human Laziness

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." (Albert Einstein)

If Einstein had been born in Brazil and he had been northeastern (this article was originally written in portuguese, using brazilian northeastern regional slang), certainly he wouldn't have used fancy words like "stupidity". Probably he would have said "laziness" (it is the literal translation of the word "leseira" in brazilian slang).

The "laziness" is characterized when an individual meets certain situation in such a way that, in someone else's point of view, it makes him look like a complete idiot. In this case, he would be called "lazy person" (in brazilian slang: "lesado" or "leso"). In the definition of the doctor in linguistics Sérgio Freire, we have: "The ‘laziness' is a momentary dullness that happens to the ‘lazy person'." The phrase that such individual listens the most is the following one: "Stop being lazy!"(in brazilian slang: "Deixa de ser lesado!"). Despite the "laziness" most common causes are things like misunderstandings, sleepiness, mental incapacity, lack of reflection practice, haste and stubbornness, certainly one of its greatest causes is ignorance.

The human being, that appeared only recently in this planet (the Homo sapiens species is a little more than 150 thousand years old), has already been so lazy that almost caused his own destruction, and has already made a lot of bad things thou. Despite the enormous clumsy, we think we are in the top of planetary intelligence (and in some cases, of universal intelligence). Douglas Adams, in his "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", explains: "For example, in the planet Earth the men had always considered themselves more intelligent than the dolphins, because they had created so many things - the wheel, New York, the wars, etc. -, while the dolphins only knew to swim and have fun. However, the dolphins, in their turn, had always found themselves much more intelligent than the men - precisely for the same reasons."

Other previous species had already been sufficiently destructive. Let's remember the beginnings of life in the Earth, about 3.8 billion years ago. Since then and during the following 3 billion years, only unicellular beings existed (basically bacteria - it seems that they didn't care very much with team work). The first great global pollution crisis occurred approximately 2.3 billion years ago because the unicellular beings called Stromatolites (so small, however so destructive). At the time, they were true villains, therefore they had started to produce a gas so poisonous that almost extinguished all the life of the Earth. E this gas was, nothing more and nothing less than... the oxygen. In those times, oxygen was a rarity (less than 1% of the current levels) and no one still could breath it. The stromatolites then quickly introduced this gas in the atmosphere and caused a global crisis, therefore the oxygen is a powerful organic composite annihilator and until today many bacteria are destroyed because of it. It can seem weird to call this a "global pollution crisis", but when the inhabitants of the planet are all anaerobic bacteria (that means they don't breathe oxygen), it's better to cry out loud for help.

In one of the branches of the tree of life, the organisms had to develop biochemical methods to deal with oxygen, where one of these methods was the aerobic breath, these survived, multiplied themselves and today, the oxygen is air we breathe. Nothing better than favorable mutations being selected gradual and cumulatively by the natural selection. In parallel, other branches of the unicellular evolution continued in the old anaerobic life style and today, to the lesser signal of oxygen, they use to die. The bad guys stromatolites at least didn't make it intentionally, what already is a extenuating circumstance for them.

Other waves of mass destruction are caused by cosmic hazard when dissolute asteroids reach our vulnerable planet. It was this way that the dinosaurs dynasty, that had already lasted more than 160 million years, finished 65 million years ago when a bolide with an approach size of 10 kilometers of diameter reached the peninsula of Yucatan in Mexico creating a crater of 170 kilometers of diameter and raising sufficient dust to darken the Earth for some years, what lead to the extinction of the dinosaurs after some milleniums. Blocking the sun light passage, many vegetable species died, eliminating the nourishing source for herbivore dinosaurs e, consequently, without the herbivorous meat to eat, the carnivores ended up dying too.

More recently, another asteroid hit the planet, and this asteroid is Homo sapiens. In his book "The End of Evolution" (mass extinctions occur routinely in the geologic ages being "the end of evolution" for many species, however also being an excellent chance and the beginning of evolution for many others), the paleontologist Peter Ward comments on the three main mass extinctions that happened, and he calls them "The three events". The first event is known as Permian-Triassic Extinction that occurred 250 million years ago, sweeping more than 90% of all species of life that existed at the time. As the second event being the K-T Extinction, having killed more than 50% of the species, including the dinosaurs. And the Third Event is occurring in this exact moment, and now we are the guilty ones, the human beings.

About this, the paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould afirms: "The rhythm of the extinction of the species provoked by human rapacity can currently be equivalent to the rhythm of the losses in the great events of mass extinction that punctuated the history of life.". And Timothy Ferris says: "The current extinction of the species by the hand of man is a crime that the posterity will consider more pernicious than the burning of the Alexandria's library.". Obviously that the destruction of libraries with centuries of accumulated human knowledge was an irreparable loss, but this time, we are losing lives, and not only ours.

Our lack of understanding on the global necessities and on our role in nature enormously confuses the course of the planetary life, to which we belong. We would have to think in the long run and not to be so immediatists consuming the maximum of natural resources in so short intervals of time. Entire forests already have been knocked down, billions of tons of pollutant fossil fuel are burnt daily and in an inconsequential way, strongly unbalancing the nature's economy. We have already directly caused the extinction of innumerable species with our own hands (the defenseless dodô knows about it), and many others indirectly because of our clumsy behavior. We colonize islands and continents, we pollute rivers and seas, we modify the environment, we mix strange animals leading to the uncontrolled and mutual extinction between them.

The web of life is an enormous entangled and strongly connected net, sewn throughout millions of years and if we pull one single line inadvertently, everything can fall apart. A true butterfly effect where small initial causes create great effects in shock waves that propagate through time leading to absolutely unexpected consequences.

We cannot prevent asteroid collisions, the destruction provoked by tsunamis and earthquakes or a volcano eruption, but we can prevent our egoism and greed. We have the capacity for this, we only must use it. We are in our technological adolescence and our lack of control is huge. We already know many things, while we ignore many other things completely. It seems that we still don't understand that we are nature too (see the text "Separation Delusion") and that destroying nature will bring us problems. "The Revenge of Gaia" is close as has foreseen the environmentalist James Lovelock in the 1970's with his "Gaia Hypothesis", where he claims that the planet behaves like a living organism. We have the duty to take care of its health, to say it better, take care of our own health.

No doubt at all that our species is most aggressive and virulent one that this planet has already known. We are using very badly the natural resources in an unbalanced way and not thinking about the consequences. E we also have the knowledge and technology to provoke a nuclear war what would destroy us and almost all the species of the planet, besides leaving the planet sterile for a long time. We must usufruct the nature, certainly, but with wisdom. I don't want us to destroy the air we breathe, the oceans where we swim and nor the lands we plant. I want very much that we can survive and to revert this global heating and mass extinction picture that is happening. I desire and incentive that we take an attitude about what is happening, signing ecological treats, preserving the environment, not polluting the planet, and trying to clean the dirt that we have made.

This makes me remember another Douglas Adams's phrase which fits very well in this scenario: "Many were increasingly of the opinion that they'd all made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place. And some said that even the trees had been a bad move, and that no one should ever have left the oceans.".

Since our ancestors left the sea and had conquered the land, later they had gone up in the trees and finally they had come down from them to conquer African savannas e, consequently, the entire world, let's not disappoint them. Let's stop being "lazy" and let's change our behavior, before it's too late. Since we are going certainly to be extinct some day (as well as any species), let's not anticipate this day, at least.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Nostalgic Disencounters: Tribute to Carl Sagan

Our life is a set of fortuitous encounters and disencounters, many times because of spatial issues and other times because of timing issues. People who will influence our lives in a significant way will be born only in ten years from now, while others have already died a decade ago.

I'm a movie maniac. In one of my walkings by the movie rental stores, in the ending 2004, I met the astronomer Carl Sagan. Unhappily it wasn't a meeting face to face where I could have shacked his hand, because beyond he have never lived in the city where I live or have never gone to the same stores that I do, he had already died some years ago. To tell the truth, I not even knew who he was. At the time, a mere stranger. So much that what attracted me initially was not his person, but his work.

There was a movie rental store close to my house that was through a modernization process. I explain it better: it was getting rid of all its VHS tapes and replacing them gradually for DVDs. And this replacement was made by selling all its VHS tapes in a banana price and consequently purchasing DVDs. Any one who wanted could have at home, at low costs, the most varied movie titles since children movies, action films, fiction and also documentary films, but all this in the old and obsolete VHS technology. The size of such a tape is not very appropriate to keep itself in a house, but the price was very attractive. If I'm not wrong, they had some titles that cost R$ 10,00 (US$ 5.00) and others R$ 5,00 (US$ 2.50). All the movie rental stores of the city were making this and by the end the price lowered until R$ 1,00 (US$ 0.50).

Running my eyes through the shelves in the search to buy some famous title, I saw something that suddenly got my attention. A series called "Cosmos" lined in a forgotten corner of the store. There were several tapes and each one of them with an episode of the series. I had never heard about that series. I gave a look in a disinterested manner and I read some synopses. I saw that it was on astronomy and that had been produced almost 25 years earlier, in the early 1980's, by some guy named Carl Sagan. Since I loved material about the universe and the price was good, I ended up choosing an episode that I thought would be interesting and I bought it. I caught "Episode 9 - Lives of the Stars - Birth, Life and Death of the Stars.". Arriving home I put it with my other movies, so I could watch it later.

At home we had a new DVD device and an old VCR. The preference always was the DVD and it was connected in the television continuously. At this time the movie rentals still had titles well distributed between VHS and DVD, but as the DVD stealed the market, hardly we rented a movie in VHS. Then I thought that when it would be the case to disconnect the DVD and to connect the VCR, I could watch that documentary.

Some three or four months later, having ignored completely in this interval of time the existence of that "Cosmos" tape that I had bought, we rented a movie in VHS. Then, in a lazy Saturday afternoon, since the VCR was already connected to the television, I decided to give a chance to "Episode 9". While my beloved wife, Ana, slept in the bed, I, lying by her side, watched that old dusty VHS.

The opening of the episode started with the phrase: " Cosmos - A Personal Voyage" in the sound of a pretty and tranquilizing musical symphony. The first phrase of the episode impressed me very much: "If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the Universe.". It was a documentary on the birth and death of the stars and it explained how the atoms were formed and how exists a connection between all things. It had the approximate duration of 50 minutes. The narrator and presenter were the author himself, Carl Sagan.

With all his poetry and well understandable explanations that are characteristic to him, Carl made my attention and excitement increase more and more and my eyes looked at that wonderful universe of knowledge. And the enthusiasm, with which he presented, was contagious. To describe what happened with me, I use an expression that I listened from a dear friend: "Mind Blowing Experience". It was a true experience that blew up my mind, literally.

Since then it's been as if it had lighted up a flame inside me so that I really realized how interesting, intricate and magnificent is our universe. And how stimulating it is to study and to learn about it. We could even describe this as a "religious" feeling, in certain way. In the words of Albert Einstein: "If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it.".

Then, having seen that wonderful documentary with its obsolete and coarse computerized animations from the 1980's (but it didn't made the material less interesting), I was crazy to come back to that movie rental store and buy the missing episodes. In the following day, I got my car and went to that store. Arriving there, with some months delay, I saw that the VHS supply was declining and almost in the end. I went to that shelf, but there were not the other tapes. Probably other science lovers had already took all the works of the Dr. Sagan. I even looked for it in the other remaining shelves. Perhaps, who knows, there was some "Cosmos" episode forgotten between "Die Hard" and "Terminator". I looked in vain. I even tried to ask to the store clerk if he knew about some remote vestige of that stupendous series. He didn't even knew what I was talking about.

In the following months I researched about that series in the internet. Some months later, in the first semester of 2005, happily I found the series being sold in the (a brazilian web site like the american I used to participate in the "mercadolivre" to buy and sell movie DVDs. The salesman, surprisingly, lived in my city, Fortaleza-CE (in the Brazilian northeast). I bought it, before this item disappeared of my sights (I wouldn't commit the same mistake again). They were pirate DVDs copied directly from the original series in VHS, but they were in excellent quality.

The series has 13 episodes, from which I had only watched one of them. There were 12 left episodes, 50 minutes each approximately, of contemplation, learning and wonder. I was watching in the chronological order from the first one until the last one. The sensation was so good that it's difficult to describe. Another sensation that I had was the following: after I watched each episode, I knew that still left others for me to watch and it cheered me. A moment arrived that only left 6 episodes that I hadn't seen. And then left 5, and so on. And it's funny, but I was very happy for still having some to see. It was so cool that I was glad knowing: "Uau, I still have 4 more episodes to watch. That's good!". The thirsty for knowledge was big, but also the sensation that I would go on learning was good. So much that I didn't want to watch everything rapidly (I think that I took more than 2 weeks to watch them all). I wanted to fell the sensation of those moments of ignorance, having something to watch. Finally, only one last episode left, number 13, the last sensation of incompleteness in respect to that astonishing series. After I watched it, it would only left me to watch it again (something what I have already done, some episodes I have already watched 4 times). But as we are imperfect, we always have something new to learn. Some detail that was not given the proper attention, some knowledge that was allied to other posterior ones, things that had been forgotten, watching the explanations by a new angle, understanding better, searching in other places for complementary information and so on.

Our ignorance is so great that we have to study continuously (many times just to keep up). In such way that, finishing to watch "Cosmos" just stimulated me even more in the search for knowledge. It was a strong push in the direction of science. A push given by Carl Sagan, one of the greatest popularizers of science that this planet already knew. A push given more than 25 years ago, when he decided to produce the television series "Cosmos", filming throughout three years, in forty places of twelve countries, and that has already reached more than 600 million people in more than 60 countries, being the most wide spread out and watched series of all times. In 2005 they officially launched the series in DVD for the commemoration of its 25 years and the opening is made by his wife, Ann Druyan. Obviously I have already bought it.

Carl Sagan died in December 20, 1996, at the age of 62 years old, after years of battle against a rare illness in the bone marrow called myelodysplasia. Some of this fight is told by his wife in the last book written by him and published after his death "Billions and Billions". He said farewell to his little daughter by saying: "Beautiful, beautiful, Sasha. You are not only beautiful, you are also astonishing.". Ann Druyan makes a emotive story of her last moments with Carl: "During the following hours, the hospital monitors seemed to register a change in the situation. My hopes were renewed, but in the deep of my mind I couldn't stop observing that the doctors didn't share my enthusiasm. They saw in this strength recovery what it really was, what they call 'veranico', one brief truce of the body before its final fight 'and a death vigil'. Carl said to me, calmly: 'I will die.'. 'No', I protested. 'You go to be successful this time, as well as you already were successful before, when everything seemed without hope.' He turned over me with that exact look I had seen innumerable times in the debates and fight of ours twenty years of works together and passionate love. With one mixture of good humor and skepticism, but as always, without no vestige of self-pity, he said ironically: 'Well, we will see who has reason this time.'. Sam, then with five years, came to see his father for the last time. Although he was having a difficulty to breathe and to speak, Carl recomposed himself not to scare his little son. 'I love you, Sam.' it was the only thing he could say. 'I love you too, dad', said Sam solemnly.".

And today (this article was originally written in December 20, 2006) is exactly 10 years that he's gone, leaving nostalgy not only to his family and friends, but to all who had known him and without a doubt to those that will come to know him through his work. His work is so vast and precious that I still have much to learn with him. I have already read six of his innumerable published books and still there are many to go on. That's good!

Today he is no longer a stranger to me, but he seems to be someone from my family, whom I always have lived with.

I finish by showing my favorite quotation of this great man:

"Before the vastness of the time and the great length of the universe, it is an immense pleasure for me to divide a planet and a time with you." (Carl Sagan)

And I respond: "Carl, believe me, the pleasure is all ours!"

Additional support material:

Carl Sagan

In Memorian



Monday, April 09, 2007

Highly Compromised Credibility

Let's imagine the following hypothetical situation where somebody says to believe that: (1) "the Sun moves around the Earth", (2) "the Holocaust never happened" and (3) "the cigarette smoking does not have any relation to the lung cancer whatsoever and it does not make any harm to health". Moreover, this same person also claims (4) "to have a personal relationship with supernatural beings, with invisible goblins more specifically, that constantly visit him in appearances or visions, guiding his life, answering to his prayers and claiming to be the owners of the truth, besides bringing a pot of gold from the end of the rainbow, once in a while".

We know that the claims "1", "2" and "3" are false. We have observable proofs that the Earth moves around the Sun. To tell the truth, all the evidences in various fields of knowledge point to that. We also have documents, papers, films, ruins, constructions and eye witnesses (in this case, victims) that the Holocaust really happened. Despite the idea of it never having occurred be sufficiently pleasant and comforting, we have to deal with the hard reality of the facts. And, finally, we possess thousand of scientific and statistical researches proving, also in independent ways, that the cigarette smoking is directly related to the lung cancer and that, definitively, it harms health.

Observing this scenario, the credibility of such person is highly compromised. In such a way that, even knowing that the arguments must be weighed independently of its interlocutors, we strongly suspect that claim "4" is also wrong. Not because this allegation isn't tempting, of course. After all, who wouldn't like to gain a pot of gold? But let's see, besides the alleged existence of goblins is something never proven by evidences, we verify that the person who affirms it already is used to broadcast false information as if it was true, perhaps for naivety or ignorance, perhaps for being a liar (for now, let's disconsider the hypothesis of the person having some level of mental insanity).

But if "4" is true, what would it imply? Couldn't these wise and magical goblins informs the person that he is deceived about the other three points? Why these magnificent beings, owners of the truth, don't inform that this person is wrong about the claims "1", "2" and "3"? Doesn't it matter to them? Such beings don't desire that this person could understand the other points correctly? It's hard to imagine that such carrying benevolent beings and said to be the "owners of the truth" don't want this person to be clarified on such points, specially taking in consideration the fact that they supposedly guide his life and answer to his doubts. It may be that it doesn't matter to them, perhaps these are peripheral questions, but don't they realize that it complicates this person's life? Don't they realize that the others, seeing that this person also believes in such absurd things, can also think that he would be wrong about "4"? And it would be even worse if such person claimed that (5) "the supernatural beings said that '1', '2' and '3' are true". This person says that he is being illuminated by these beings on these three points, therefore they must be true, although everything suggests the very opposite. Once more, something extremely intriguing, also to the supernatural beings (unless they are deliberately omissive, liars or even though inexistent). Again, the omission of these beings (in the case they exist) in informing this person on his deceits is one more favorable point on their inexistence (or a negative point on their character).

And, curiously, it isn't a fictitious scenario. I'm not creating hypothetical scenarios just for the simple pleasure of random thinking and to elaborate the most amusing mental lucubrations, although it's also extremely pleasant (works like "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" are sufficiently amusing). Unfortunately, it's a real scenario. I am talking about the Creationists. These Biblical literalists say things such as (1) "the Earth is 6,000 years old", (2) "God created man and all the other animals in an instantaneous and independent way and no evolution of the species ever happened" and (3) "a global flood swept all the life of the planet, except for Noah's family and the animals in his ark". But it doesn't stop there, they also says that (4) "God exists, sent Jesus to die for our sins and he is our savior and Christianity is the religion of the only true God", besides much other things. Do you realize the problem?

Now let's imagine the argument above for this scenario. Once more we have claims "1", "2" and "3" evidently and proven false according to thousand of evidences, tests, vestiges, studies of hundreds of fields of knowledge, also independently that corroborate results from each other on evolution, geology, ecology, genetics, astronomy, etc.

The Earth is about 4.5 billion years old. We know it based on the most modern radiometric dating methods, having more than forty different methods based on radioactive isotopes, being made measurements in a daily bases by more than fifty years and in a wide variety of materials. There are thousand of terrestrial and extraterrestrial samples, in this case, terrestrial minerals and rocks, meteorites and lunar samples. There are hundreds of thousand of measurements with excellent precision and that corroborate the results from each other. Besides other astronomical methods based on the mass and luminosity of the Sun and other stars. And the interesting aspect is that such methods confirm in independent ways such measurements, therefore they posses different principles, different atomic clocks, all in very close agreement with a precision of less than 1% margin of error. In the case of the creationists, their error is in a factor of 10 raised the 6.

Talking about evolution of the species, not only it's a fact more than proven by tens of fields of human knowledge, as also it's one of the branches of the modern science that strongly stimulates new discoveries in diverse areas. The biologist Richard Dawkins, professor of the University of Oxford, said: "The positive evidence for the fact of evolution is truly massive, made up of hundreds of thousands of mutually corroborating observations. These come from areas such as geology, paleontology, comparative anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, ethology, biogeography, embryology and - increasingly nowadays - molecular genetics. The weight of the evidence has become so heavy that opposition to the fact of evolution is laughable to all who are acquainted with even a fraction of the published data. Evolution is a fact: as much a fact as plate tectonics or the heliocentric solar system.". The evolution, as source of knowledge and research stimulation, was elected "Breakthrough of the year" in 2005, having been responsible for more scientific publications and discoveries than any other branch of science, helping fields as farming, pharmacology and medicine.

About Noah's Global Flood, it's nothing more than a myth duly exaggerated, that the more instructed and sensible Christians understand as an allegory that explain an important teaching on the relationship between man and deity. Myths about floods, attacks of animals, droughts, etc., are common in the great majority of the civilizations. Usually they present some factual basis and suffer an erroneous interpretation. The myth appears when an interpretation is attributed to these facts, normally appealing to the most varied deities. As time passes, the myth solidifies itself and finishes being incorporated in the basis of the respective theological system. Some problems that the creationists can't resolve or simply don't face the reality of the facts on Noah's myth are: the feeding of the innumerable animals during a time interval of more than one year inside the ark; a total after-flood ecological disequilibrium that wouldn't supply the carnivores and herbivorous alimentary necessities, what would lead to the total extinction of the animal life; the complete lack of geological evidences to support such event; amongst many other thing. At last, I don't go to prolongate on this subject, therefore this isn't my objective here. However, verify the additional material that I show below for further clarifications on the mentioned subjects.

Getting back to the subject, if the Christian God exists, why does he leave so many Christians to be honest deluded this way believing in "1", "2" and "3"? Why doesn't God illuminate these people's life and show them the truth on geology, evolution, astrophysics, ecology, etc.? Doesn't God realize that this compromises the evangelism point, therefore these people have a bad image before society? All this is very suspicious.

Some people can say that it's about free-will and that God cannot be guilty for the bad behavior of his disobedient creatures. In this case, I think that would be fit those creationists that are straight face liars that manufacture lies conscientiously, forge false items and mount fraudulent museums, for example, as it's the case of some of them. In this case, really, the very lie elaborated by them is exclusively their guilt. But my argument is not so much for these cases and I agree fully that God would be very pissed off with these people (what may not be good for them in the judgment day).

We can also think that these questions are peripheral and that the followers of God wouldn't have to be worried about details on the biological life or the universe, but only with their spiritual life. However, in this case, if they are ignorant on the subject or if it doesn't matter, so they should stop broadcasting creationist lies. If they are peripheral questions, so they shouldn't worry about it and let science be taught as it really must be. The problem is that many proponents of the Creationism divulge these lies during decades and also they try to stop the theory of the evolution to be taught in the classrooms, as it already happened some times in the United States, using the most sick ways and strategies one can imagine (some of them even propose the parents to tear the children's school books which contain "satanic" material on geology and biology). The paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould commented in its book "Hen's Teeth And Horse's Toes" that the creationist movement is nothing more than a politics strategy from the north american evangelical extreme right.

Even in these cases of straight face liars or ignorant creationists that continuously broadcast these lies naïvely, some say that they "live sincere experiences with God". If they live such experiences, then it's one more reason for me to distrust them. If they really had such experiences, probably God would guide them on this and would answer their questionings, under the risk of strongly compromising the preaching of the gospel and giving a very bad life testimonial. If they live such experiences, how God can be so omissive to the point of not informing them? Yes, because they say that God guides them on the most varied and peripheral subjects of their lives. Either these experiences possess some communication failure or they don't occur at all.

My argument is more directed to those sincere and honest creationists. Those who believe faithfully in Creationism and who try to defend this improper idea and that simultaneously are honestly been fooled. How come they believe and they preach honestly something evidently false (Creationism) even if they don't know that it's false and, simultaneously, they preach something that supposedly say to be truth (the allegations of the Christianity)? This is highly strange, to say the minimum.

The main issue is that they defend Creationism and end up giving ways to others to discredit other things that they also defend, because both claims are equally defended continuously, and mainly because they also say that "God guides us and shows us that Creationism is correct". That is evidently false. These creationist Christians testimony is highly compromised what can lead innumerable people to move away from Christianity. And I think that Creationism, for irony as it can be, is something against Christianity, against the very notion of a personal experience and walking with the alleged Christian God.

This must sufficiently disturb the Christians who can conciliate their faith with the discoveries of modern science, understanding that the Bible is a religion book and not a science one. It must be boring to see your brother in faith so deceived on this creationism subject. It is so that the majority of the Christian leaders don't see no problem with the discoveries of science and many of them already pronounced about this. Pope John Paul II made a statement in 1996 saying: "It is indeed remarkable that this theory has progressively taken root in the minds of researchers following a series of discoveries made in different spheres of knowledge... it is more than just a hypothesis... The convergence, neither sought nor provoked, of results of studies undertaken independently from each other constitutes, in itself, a significant argument in favor of this theory...". From the evangelical Christian side we have a letter signed so far by more than 10,600 evangelical leaders alleging that: "We the undersigned, Christian clergy from many different traditions, believe that the timeless truths of the Bible and the discoveries of modern science may comfortably coexist. We believe that the theory of evolution is a foundational scientific truth, one that has stood up to rigorous scrutiny and upon which much of human knowledge and achievement rests.". It's really a pitty that not everyone understands it. It would be really good!

Not being enough that the claims of Christianity need faith to be believed in, still come these creationists and make things even more difficult. I can understand much better a pastor, priest, rabbi or xama that preach on the importance of the fidelity on marriage, but that, for an incautiousness and because of a situation that formed unexpectedly beyond his control, ends up committing adultery. I can understand and accept this. This doesn't invalidate what he preached on fidelity on marriage. After all, I don't know, because of a momentaneous weakness, he ended up making something that he disapproves, but he knows that this was wrong. Now, I find it very much more difficult to understand a Christian who says to be a follower of the true God, who says to have a all special walking with him, who is directed by this God, that prays and has his doubts answered by God, I find it difficult to understand the reason of so great deceit on these creationists claims. And this, in my opinion, compromises very much the preaching of the Christian message. How can a person be so deceived on a subject continuously during decades preaching Creationism and, simultaneously, supposedly be certain on his claims regarding God? It's extremely intriguing.

Creationists make a tremendous unservice against their own cause.

Additional support material:

Age of The Earth

Breakthrough of the year: Evolution in Action

Problems with a Global Flood

The "Cience" of Creation and Noah's Flood

An Open Letter Concerning Religion and Science